
I had a partial molar pregnancy in June of 2009. After recovering over the summer I had a healthy pregnancy with Violette Sophia, born June 2010. Find information about molar pregnancy (in October 2010 posts) and my adventure to and through motherhood here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Facing Down Imminent Toddlerhood.

Vy's complaining changed this week.  She's found an extra "grrr" in her vocal range to express her displeasure at being taken away from something or vice versa.  My baby is turning into a little girl.  Its's a little toughs to swallow but the clothes are cuter and I get breaks longer than 30 minutes now.  I can even sneak away to the gym.  But I can tell it's the calm before the storm, I've got a live one and I couldn't be happier.

The next part I wrote as a reply to some friends on a message board, but after re-reading I wanted to post it here because it really sums up the last two years for me:

...My baby is almost a year old.  I'm very happy, she's brilliant, she's healthy, more than I could have ever imagined!  I am enjoying both of our new found independence but at the same time I miss those early baby days.  Not enough to want to do it again though, lol!  ...I have loved or have come to value every part of my molar pregnancy journey but it finally feels like I can leave it truly behind me.  Even though it brought about the most important and amazing changes in me and my life, I feel like it will no longer define me.  I feel like myself again.

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