In the post testing crazy buying, selling, and swapping days of building my stash, I would have fleeting thoughts of buying one of each of every brand of diaper available. I would fantasize about “fluffy mail” arriving daily, finding the “perfect” fit, and my stash outgrowing its designated cupboard. But I’ve restrained myself. I got deals on new name brands on the swap, allowing for a few WAHM customs. In fact, I bought my first Fuzzibunz from a store yesterday (even that was with discounts and credits, so I paid nothing). The rest of my Fuzzibunz stash was bought on the cheap. But, as I’ve bought my last diaper, my mind wandered back to that fantasy of buying one of each diaper brand. So instead of going off the deep end, I researched and wrote this blog. Now I know how much it would cost to build that dream stash. No, I’m not going to tell you yet.
Before I tell you the cost, I want to let you know my method of calculation. I canvassed online retailers: Amazon,, Kellyscloset, Jilliansdrawers, Nickisdiapers, eBay, and brand websites. Brands offering cloth diapers of any sort on all or one of these websites were included. I chose not to include WAHM diapers (I’m going to do separate research on that one, blog to come). Prices were cross referenced and assigned median retail price or actual retail price where appropriate.
Number of Brands: 75
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Newborn Diapers: $160.30
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered One Size Pocket Diapers: $443.06
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Fitted Diapers: $403.35
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Diaper Covers: $200.29
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Hybrid Diapers: $108.83
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered All in Two Diapers: $ 64.90
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered All in One Diapers: $240.12
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Prefold (per dozen) Diapers: $ 772.02
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Flat (per half dozen) Diapers: $ 134.93
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Contour Diapers: $ 43.08
Total cost to buy One of Every Diaper type and brand: $2,588.92
That would be 313 pieces:
Newborn Diapers: 9
One Size Pocket Diapers: 27
Fitted Diapers: 21
Diaper Covers: 15
Hybrid Diapers: 5
All in Two Diapers: 3
All in One Diapers: 12
Prefolds (in dozens): 16
Flats (in half dozens): 4
Contour Diapers: 4
Are you surprised? I was a little surprised the total bill would be so high, but even still there would likely be a savings over disposable diapers of about $500. Now, having done all this research, not only am I officially “stashified,” I’m pretty pleased with the amount I’ve spent on cloth diapers. But you never know, there’s always the lottery…
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