
I had a partial molar pregnancy in June of 2009. After recovering over the summer I had a healthy pregnancy with Violette Sophia, born June 2010. Find information about molar pregnancy (in October 2010 posts) and my adventure to and through motherhood here.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Money saving tips

As a single income family we are always trying to save where we can. Coupons and sales are a way of life, but for items that are hard to find on sale I turn to Internet deal sites. Often times they have designer baby clothes, expensive gear, and other items 50-80% off retail. Shipping is usually reasonable, and it's nice to not have to run extra errands around town burning gas and cash. One of the newest sites I've found is motherofasale.com. They just had some cloth diapers on sale-what a deal!

1 comment:

  1. Will blog for free diapers!
