
I had a partial molar pregnancy in June of 2009. After recovering over the summer I had a healthy pregnancy with Violette Sophia, born June 2010. Find information about molar pregnancy (in October 2010 posts) and my adventure to and through motherhood here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Facing Down Imminent Toddlerhood.

Vy's complaining changed this week.  She's found an extra "grrr" in her vocal range to express her displeasure at being taken away from something or vice versa.  My baby is turning into a little girl.  Its's a little toughs to swallow but the clothes are cuter and I get breaks longer than 30 minutes now.  I can even sneak away to the gym.  But I can tell it's the calm before the storm, I've got a live one and I couldn't be happier.

The next part I wrote as a reply to some friends on a message board, but after re-reading I wanted to post it here because it really sums up the last two years for me:

...My baby is almost a year old.  I'm very happy, she's brilliant, she's healthy, more than I could have ever imagined!  I am enjoying both of our new found independence but at the same time I miss those early baby days.  Not enough to want to do it again though, lol!  ...I have loved or have come to value every part of my molar pregnancy journey but it finally feels like I can leave it truly behind me.  Even though it brought about the most important and amazing changes in me and my life, I feel like it will no longer define me.  I feel like myself again.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How Much is That Cloth Diaper in the Window?

In the post testing crazy buying, selling, and swapping days of building my stash, I would have fleeting thoughts of buying one of each of every brand of diaper available.  I would fantasize about “fluffy mail” arriving daily, finding the “perfect” fit, and my stash outgrowing its designated cupboard.  But I’ve restrained myself.  I got deals on new name brands on the swap, allowing for a few WAHM customs.  In fact, I bought my first Fuzzibunz from a store yesterday (even that was with discounts and credits, so I paid nothing).  The rest of my Fuzzibunz stash was bought on the cheap.  But, as I’ve bought my last diaper, my mind wandered back to that fantasy of buying one of each diaper brand.  So instead of going off the deep end, I researched and wrote this blog.  Now I know how much it would cost to build that dream stash.  No, I’m not going to tell you yet.
Before I tell you the cost, I want to let you know my method of calculation.  I canvassed online retailers:  Amazon, Diapers.com, Kellyscloset, Jilliansdrawers, Nickisdiapers, eBay, and brand websites.   Brands offering cloth diapers of any sort on all or one of these websites were included.  I chose not to include WAHM diapers (I’m going to do separate research on that one, blog to come).   Prices were cross referenced and assigned median retail price or actual retail price where appropriate. 

Number of Brands: 75

Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Newborn Diapers:  $160.30
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered One Size Pocket Diapers: $443.06
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Fitted Diapers: $403.35
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Diaper Covers: $200.29
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Hybrid Diapers: $108.83
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered All in Two Diapers: $ 64.90
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered All in One Diapers: $240.12
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Prefold (per dozen) Diapers: $ 772.02
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Flat (per half dozen) Diapers: $ 134.93
Total cost to buy one of each brands offered Contour Diapers: $ 43.08

Total cost to buy One of Every Diaper type and brand: $2,588.92

That would be 313 pieces:
Newborn Diapers: 9
One Size Pocket Diapers: 27
Fitted Diapers: 21
Diaper Covers:  15
Hybrid Diapers: 5
All in Two Diapers: 3
All in One Diapers:  12
Prefolds (in dozens): 16
Flats (in half dozens): 4
Contour Diapers: 4

Are you surprised?  I was a little surprised the total bill would be so high, but even still there would likely be a savings over disposable diapers of about $500.  Now, having done all this research, not only am I officially “stashified,” I’m pretty pleased with the amount I’ve spent on cloth diapers.   But you never know, there’s always the lottery…

For a price breakdown and a list of all brands included, visit my

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thoughts on my first Mother's Day

I want to remember things I learn from other people.  Violette has gotten really affectionate lately and it’s so yummy and nice.  My new friend Naraya came over to get the lowdown on cloth diapering and she commented upon seeing Vy and I hug and cuddle that it was so nice, “she puts her heart on your heart.”  Now I always savor those heart to heart moments, it’s so special. –Mother’s Day 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cloth Diaper Reviews 4-WAHM and Night Special

Bagshot Row Bamboo (BSRB): I am sad I am only now publishing my review of BSRBs as the maker recently announced that she is closing up shop.  These diapers are truly the best and I am so happy I ordered a custom only a few weeks ago.

BSRB Elite Fit AI2:  BSRB fully converted me to bamboo.  I was already a huge fan of hemp, but bamboo is just as good.  These diapers differentiate themselves by NOT incorporating PUL.  The waterproofing comes in the form of bamboo fleece.  Fleece has natural wicking qualities and encourages the moisture to go back into the bamboo inserts instead of leaking through the diaper.  I never have any leaks in our BSRB Elite Fit AI2.  The soakers are bamboo with an Organic Bamboo Velour (OBV) top.  It is SO plush!  I purchased extra soakers so I am able to use it as a true AI2 and Vy just loves wearing it.  The fit is amazing.  It’s very trim with just one snap rise setting and cross over rounded wings.  If you get a chance to purchase a BSRB Elite fit through a swap I highly recommend them.  These are our favorite diapers.

BSRB Fitted: The only bad thing I can say about BSRB fitteds is that they’re too cute to cover!  Great for summers when you can go coverless!  Everything in the review of the Elite fit applies except for the fleece; it is not included in the fitteds we have owned.

BSRB “TIAN” Tucked In All Night: this is BSRB’s night time diaper.  It’s a fitted diaper with extra soakers for wetness protection.  Ours is a newer version and also came with a fleece insert to put on the bottom to encourage the wetness to stay in the inserts and doublers.  I use a fleece liner for a stay dry feeling all night.  We go at least 10 hours without a diaper change, these things are bullet proof!

Sustainablebabyish (SBISH) Bamboo Fleece Fitted Diaper:  These diapers are a little pricey but I feel like they are worth the price for nights!  Very similar to the BSRB TIAN, the SBISH Fleece Fitted (or “Magic”) diaper is a great option for nights.  It is made of bamboo and comes with a double insert and a doubler.  The insert snaps into the front which I like for nights.  I use a fleece liner for a stay dry feeling all night and can easily go 10 plus hours without a change-another bullet proof diaper.  
SBISH Terry Snappiable: These are very similar to the SBISH Magic Diaper, it just has a terry snappiable outer with lie in soakers instead of snap ins.  It has stayed super soft and is just as absorbent as the Magic diaper.  I like how stretchy it is, I can really get a good fit with a snappi.

Kawaii “Goodnight Heavy Wetter”:  These are a great night pocket.  Since Vy is a crazy sleeper we started having issues with our pockets once she started drinking water and juice during the day.  Compression leaks were a problem so we tried these as a stop gap before deciding to go exclusively with fitteds and covers.  They have two nice plush microfiber inserts but otherwise don’t really distinguish themselves from other low cost PUL diapers.  I haven’t had any leak problems but my dislike of them stems from them being very bulky.  Vy can’t cross her leg over to sleep on her side very well when she is in them so they are going to get sold once I get a full inventory of night time fitted diapers.

Fleece Covers (Soft and Sweet Bottoms): I chose fleece covers to use at night instead of using a PUL cover because of the breathability of fleece.  I love that I can throw the covers in with the regular laundry and use them several times before needing laundering.  Plus they are pretty cheap at $5-12 a pair so it’s fun to get cute patterns; a great alternative to wool if you have allergies.

Cashmere Soaker (Pinkie Lee and Fleurs de Lis): My friend Jessica over at Pinkie Lee upcycled one of my old cashmere sweaters into a soaker for Violette.  Since we have wool allergies I was afraid to buy wool longies or a soaker and invite a reaction.  To be honest I was also turned off at the thought of having to lanolize the soaker but once I got the right wash product it was too easy, just a soak overnight and then a day to dry.  The soaker is beautiful!  It is feather soft even after felting and lanolizing and super lightweight.  Now I keep looking in my closet to what else I can send to be upcycled!  It is very breathable and cooler than you’d think it would be.

Egg Tooth Diapers AI2: I wanted to LOVE these diapers; she always uses such great prints.  While I’m not in love with them, they are a great diaper.  I NEVER get any leaks with the hidden layer of PUL and fleece inner.  The soaker is snake style so there is some customization available so you can choose your own wet zone.  I’m not a big fan of snake style soakers so it’s more of pita for me to deal with folding it in.  I didn’t get any extra soakers with this diaper so I usually use it as an AIO but I’ve been getting better at folding prefolds so I might try to use it as a cover for those.  The soaker is double layered topped with OBV which as stayed nice and soft.  This diaper was my first experience with a fold down rise so it took me awhile to figure out how it works.  Now that I’m using the fold down rise I get a much better fit.  I do still feel like it’s a bit bulky on Vy, but it’s such a cute diaper I reach for it all the time.

Lil Taz Dypes AI2 Tester: I was lucky enough to get the cutest Lil Taz Dype as a tester and I’m really pleased with it.  Jessica has great customer service and I ended up buying extra soakers from her to use this diaper as a true AI2.    Her soakers are super nice bamboo topped with OBV.  She has distinguished herself by making the soaker wider in the back which is nice and extends the life of the shell if number 2s happen.  These diapers were designed for chubbier babies, but they still fit Vy great (she’s currently “average” in height and weight according to WHO).  The use a snap down rise and have nice long wings for a great fit. 

BumGenius Bamboo Fitteds: One of the reasons I rarely used Fitteds and covers during the day is because I didn’t like the hassle of doing up two sets of snaps with a wriggly baby.  The BG Bamboo fitteds, although discontinued, are great since they use Aplix instead of snaps.  Match with an Aplix closure cover and that’s one fast diaper change!  They are pretty absorbent to boot.

Tots Bots Easy Fit Pocket: I bought this with some Amazon points to try and I really like this diaper.  It’s a great pocket with a long soaker that you can stuff into the pocket.  Since it’s attached you don’t have to pull it out once soiled, it will agitate out during the wash-super convenient.  The Aplix is good.  The fit is trim, Vy went almost immediately to fully open rise at about 9 months but there’s plenty of room to grow.  This is one of our “Nana” diapers since she prefers Aplix.

More WAHM Reviews to come: Little Smudgees AI2, Summer Sky Bamboo (Tester), Bububebe (B4) Fitteds, Holden’s Landing AI2 and Bedbug, and hopefully (KMFX), Bebe Britches (BISH)

Cloth Diaper Review 1, Cloth Diaper Review 2, Cloth Diaper Review 3

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cloth Diaper Reviews 3

Fuzzibunz OS-I could wax poetic about Fuzzibunz One Size (OS) diapers.  These differ a lot from other One Size diapers.  Most OS have adjustability in the front rise using snaps.  FB OS have their adjustability in the legs and waist using elastic.  The elastic pokes tucks into little holes in the fleece anchored by a button.  There are two on each side for the leg elastic and two for the waist.  I LOVE this option because you can completely customize the fit.  Since Vy is has slim thighs (Oh please Lord, bless her with this her whole life!) I can set the legs on size 4 while the waist is at size 3.  It took me a little while to figure out (with no leaks while on larger setting), but now the diapers fit trim and snug.

Fuzzibunz Perfect Size-Again with the Fuzzibunz love.  These do not fit Vy as well as the OS, but might be perfect for chunkier babies.  With the hip snap to fit the legs and double snaps on the waist to avoid wing droop, this is a great diaper.  I bought Mediums because I suspect Vy will be in that size the longest.  So far she’s still on the tightest settings at 9 months so we’ll get a lot of wear out of these diapers.  They also work great with a hemp insert for a nighttime pocket, with room to grow into it’s not too bulky.

Fuzzibunz OS Hemp-These are exactly the same as the FB OS except they only come in a vanilla/khaki color and come with a hemp insert.  If you’re using the hemp insert alone this diaper is VERY trim.  I had tighten the legs a whole size to stop leak since the hemp insert is less bulky that the microfiber.  Now that I’ve done that, I love this diaper!  I use it the most when we are going to be out and about or I know she will nap on a long car ride.

Baby Chai-Bamboo AI2-  I don’t use these as AI2s very much although I do have extra inserts.  These fit great, the serged edges are really soft.  The inside of the diaper is bamboo fleece, the insert is bamboo, and the outside is bamboo velour.  We love us some bamboo velour in our house!  But, with only one snap in insert we have wetness on the outside, so it’s more like sturdy, no cover needed fitted for us.  I am going to try doubling up inserts to see if I can eek out two changes out of this for a true AI2.

Happy Heiny OS-These are great if you want an aplix diaper that a toddler can’t get off.  We have had troubles with our Bum Genius and our Bummis covers in that department, but so far the Happy Heinys are very hard for my daughter to peel off on her own.   I always like an overlapping waist band as well.  They come in fun colors (like SUPER hot pink) and the inner fleece is soft.  I also like that it has four rows of rise snaps instead of the customary 3, giving you an in-between size for older infants/young toddlers.

Blueberry Pockets-I bought these as seconds, they were a nothing special pocket.  The fit was slightly bulky, but not as bulky as BumGenius.  Not much to say, but I did get a good deal on a PUL and a minky.

Swaddlebee Pockets-These are great trim diaper.  When I first got the medium size I was SURE that I must have misread the sizing information and they were going to be too small.  I was very wrong, they fit on my 18lb girl on the tightest snap setting, and they really are cut that trim.  These are a side snapping diaper with a microfiber/bamboo insert so they have great absorbency.  I ordered two more as seconds in the next size up because I love this diaper so much.

GTD Prefolds-The Clotheeze/Green Mountain Diaper prefolds are great.  I chose to get bleached for a classic look.  They took a few washes to reach full absorbency, and I still feel like they have more softness coming, however it’s hard to consistently get my crazy daughter to stay still enough for me to use a snappy.  We are using red edges which have the largest weight range for fit.

Even MORE Reviews to come!  Next time: a WAHM special!

Monday, April 4, 2011

More Deal Sites for you to save!

I found and remembered some more deal sites I thought I'd share-

Fairytale Deals-just like babysteals and ecobaby buys-one deal a day, usually 40-50% off

Totsy-several deals daily, lasting several days

Mini Social-several deals daily, lasting several days

Lilluxe-several deals daily, lasting several days

Plum District-similar to groupon

Thank you to Alina for letting me know about Lilluxe!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Found another awesome deal site!

Just by the title you'll know this one is right up my alley:
Eco Baby Buys

I scored some Fuzzibunz wet bags half off yesterday!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby Haiku

Eric and I used to write dirty haiku's to amuse our friends, but I've sinced turned my hobby to a more precious subject:

Bed Sharing

She reaches and finds
Hands know the exact distance
I'm always right there

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crunchy Mama Making Stuff

There's one caveat when using cloth diapers-diaper rash creams are a no no!  Certain ingredients in conventional creams can cause repelling on fleece and other fabrics used in cloth diapers.  There are certain creams you can buy that are safe cloth diapers, but I went all natural and made my own out of organic coconut oil.  It was super easy!

What you need:
Clean and Empty Deodorant Container
Small square of parchment paper
Extra Virgin or unprocessed Coconut Oil*
2 bowls
Hot Water

Coconut Oil is solid up to 76 degrees.  Scoop some out of a large jar and place it in a small bowl or mason jar.  Float the jar in another bowl filled with boiling water**, wait as oil melts (not sure how long this takes, I put it in and walked away for half an hour doing other things and it was melted when I came back)  Make sure the deodorant container is twisted to the full position (the little plastic pusher thingy will be on the bottom).  Line the bottom of your deodorant container with the parchment paper.  You may need to use a pen or other instrument to get it down in there. Pour melted oil into the container.  I put it in a plastic bag just in case it leaked.  Place in freezer until solid.  Use one per child for sanitary reasons.

I posted the recipe for the Chamomile wipe solution in my Cloth Diaper Review 2 Blog.

*refined or processed oil does not retain the healing properties that unrefined organic EVCO does.
**Do not use a microwave-it will strip the oil of it's natural healing properties.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Random thoughts, musing, and kvetching brought on by a week of cabin fever

Yes, I live in California.  Yes, I know there is no such thing as cabin fever here.  But it is DAMN cold this week!  At the same time I'm hoping for snow on the beach early this morning.  Why?  Because I want to take a picture of my kid on a sandy snowy beach.  Is that too much to ask of global warming?  An odd and rare photo op?  I think not.  Anyway, I've been saving up some random thoughts for my blog, so here we go:

The C-string is insanity.  If you don't know what it is, google (probably nsfw).  It has NOTHING to do with html coding.

Can Jennifer Aniston stop posing semi nude for semi men's magazines?  For Christ's sake woman, COMMIT!  I'm all for nudity, it's this flirting around the edges that makes me nuts.  Why does she do this?  I will NOT "just go with it."

Can we all agree that fur vests are NOT going to happen?  I like me some Rachael Zoe, she is Buh-na-nuhs, I die.  But really, vests are bad enough on their own, they really only have a place with hikers.  But even in a world where it snows on beaches, I can't think of one social occasion where a fur vest (or even a faux fur vest) would be appropriate attire.

I love me some Mad Men as much as the next girl, but I'm beginning to suspect that nothing has really changed in the ad industry since Don Draper's (historical yet fictional) day.  Somewhere in a city with high rises, some bitch called Peggy Olsen has decided that along with reliable birth control, I want the following for my life: a Grad School degree, a Significant Other, a picnic by a waterfall, a baby, a trip to Japan, a trip to Paris, lotions and potions, presents, tea cups, make up, a house (a purple one at that), cupcakes, a yellow car, and a hot air balloon ride.  A picnic by a waterfall?  Seriously?  Way to sell out your own sex, Peggy.  Perhaps it's shoddy timing, but I just can't swallow this when the House is making decisions like this.  

Portlandia is awesome.  It reminds me of Santa Cruz.  Especially Zachary's-the hipster invasion is complete.  Cue my sad face.

Royal Pains has gotten really schlocky.  Dr Hank needs to go practice on House since he can cure anything and everything.

This turned into more kvetching then musing, but what are you gonna do?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mother of A Sale Diaper Event: Will Blog for Free Diapers

Mother of a Sale is having a huge cloth diaper event TODAY! 

They are also running a giveaway-visit their facebook page to post and get your name in to win $250 of new diapers for your stash.  This would be an especially great win if you are just starting out!

Also, if you blog about MOAS, you could get 3 samples of the new diapers to review on your blog- you know I'm ALL OVER that!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cloth Diaper Reviews 2

Hello my name is Sarah and I'm a diaper-holic.  Not only have I become a cloth diapering advocate, it's become a hobby.  I don't know if it's akin to a girl thing-like collecting lingerie, albeit baby lingerie-but I've been enjoying buying new diaper brands to try out as I've built my stash the past few months.  I've sold diapers that didn't work for us and bought new or gently used diapers that will work, or just to try.  So far I've broken even money-wise when I've used the swap sites, but I admit I bought some with real money.  Now that I'm "stashified" I must woefully admit that it's become a sort of game to try new brands, but I tell myself it's ok because I'm giving it up for Lent.  So let the fun begin!

Sunbaby 2.0
I bought Sunbaby 2.0 from ebay first.  I guess I didn't google well enough to find the main website, but I am still happy with the earlier version of Sunbabys.  The 2.0 are great diapers for itty bittys and skinny babies.  The elastic is a little bit thin so I did notice some read marks on Vy the first time I used them.  I've since adjusted the snap to give her a little more room and I'm able to avoid leaks at the same time.  

Sunbaby 4.0
I really like the Sunbaby 4.0.  The fleece is soft, the PUL on the solid colors is thick so they do not fit as trimly as the prints, but they are still trimmer than other diapers like the Bumgenious 4.0.  The print PUL is nice and soft, I feel like these would make great swim diaper.  The fit is super trim and the added hip snaps make a nice fit.  The inserts are the same with both Sunbaby 2.0 and 4.0, they have several layers of microfiber serged together into an absorbent insert.  I didn't feel like I needed to prep them too many times to get good absorbency.  The best thing about Sunbabys are that they are cheap!  At $60 for a dozen it's a great way to bump up your stash and give your more expensive diapers a good rotation.

Weehugger Snap Cover-I tried Weehuggers before I found my love for fitteds, but I felt overall they had a great fit.  I had some wicking issues when I used a wide insert/prefold, but it was easily remedied by double checking the legs.  I think I'd like the aplix version of these covers better, just because Vy is crawling around like crazy these days and does not like to stop for a diaper change.

Clotheeze Workhorse (fitted)-I had tried Dream Eze fitted diapers but didn't like them, but after reading so many raves about the Clotheeze Workhorse (and at $7.95 a piece), I couldn't resist trying them.  I've long been attracted to quilty fluffy prefolds, despite only owning Gerber prefolds.  I feel like I don't use them enough to buy more, but the Clotheeze Workhorse is a modified prefold so it is the best of both worlds.  SUPER absorbancy, even without being properly prepped (I couldn't wait), they work great with Flip diaper covers and Bummi's Super Whisper Wrap.  They have made me discover my love for fitteds.

Bummi Super Whisper Wrap-I generally shy away from aplix closures fearing that they won't last until potty training.  Although, with no experience to the contrary, I must admit this to be an irrational fear.  I have become a bit of laundry tab nazi, but I excuse myself of bad behavior claiming frugalism and protection of our investment.  Ahem.  Anyway, these covers seem to run a tad large for us, but I like they will have a long life.  Bummis are made from TPU instead of PUL and I'm really digging it's softer features.  I also like that you can dry them in the dryer in a pinch.  I can't wait to try these with aplix closure fitteds (fluffy mail is on its way!).

RockinGreen Detergent-Our laundry sturm und drang is quite impressive: sensitive skin (fragrance allergies), wool allegies, HE front loader machine, and hard water!  Whew!  While our trusty Seventh Gen laundry soap has been doing the job of washing the diapers just fine, I did notice a few issues with Sticky PUL.  When I saw RockinGreen comes in a specialized formula for hard water I decided to give it a try with some cash back points from diapers.com.  It made a HUGE difference.  After one washing all my diapers feel like I stripped them, nice and clean.  I love the scents, my favorites being Lavender Mint Revival and Smashing Watermelons.

Joeybunz Hemp Inserts-What can I say, in the world of diaper absorbancy, hemp is king.  I use my old gDiaper inserts as night doublers and Vy stays nice and dry all night, it's amazing.  Why I ever thought I needed to use sposies at night the first few months of cloth diapering, I'll never know.  These hemp inserts differentiate themselves by being contoured.  The hourglass shape really helps reduce bulk in between the legs.  While I didn't really NEED them because I have the gdiaper inserts, the contour shape helps turn my Fuzzibunz Medium pockets into trim night diapers.

Imse Visme Flannelette Wipe and Green Mountain Diaper Two Sided Wipes-Cloth wipes you ask?  I say YES!  It never really occurred to me to use cloth wipes until I started seeing a lot of buzz around them on the Baby Center Cloth Diapering board.  While trading in some of Vy's old clothes and gear I saw some wipes and decided, why not?  At first I used a store bought wipe solution spray, but Vy didn't have a good reaction to it so I decided to make my own.  I love it!  I like that I can add a light scent. 

My current favorite recipe is:
1 cup brewed Camomile Tea
1 tsp Vitamin E Oil
1 tsp Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser
Mix together and put in a spray bottle or bottle (I use a sitz bottle)

Back to the wipes...I like the flannelette wipes.  They are a little thin but they stay soft after washing and do the job.  The two sided wipes are great for the big messes.  The terry side is great at really getting the diaper area clean and the flat side is getting softer by the wash.  I still have a stash of disposable wipes for outings, but I'm coming to really prefer cloth wipes.  Here's a great site with lots of wipe solution recipes: Zany Zebra 

Itsy Ritzy Wet Happened Wetbag-this is a CUTE wetbag.  Itsy Ritzy does great patterns.  The waterproof liner is really thick, I hang dry because it looks like it might crack if dried.

Weehuggers Small Hobo Wetbag:  This wetbag has style!  With two compartments (one for clean, one for dirty), this diaper does double duty in your diaper bag, or take it on it's own for quick trips. 

More Reviews to Come: Fuzzibunz sized and one sized fleece/microfiber and fleece/hemp pockets, Baby Chai Lucky Jade bamboo AI2, Bagshot Row Bamboo AI2, Happy Heiny, Blueberry (regular and minky), and Swaddlebees, and alpaca dryer balls

Saturday, February 12, 2011

More deal sites

I was prompted to write the last blog because one of my deal sites was offering free diaper samples, but it got me thinking about all the other sites I visit. So, I thought I'd post them:

Groupon and Living Social

Zulily-for mom and baby: items sell out fast but shipping can be spendy. Please use this link so they know I sent you: Sarah's Zulily Link

Mama Bargains-all manner of baby items, terrific sales on high end gear...up to eight daily deals

Babysteals-same as mamabargains...two daily deals

Baby Half Off-the name says it all!

These are my favorites so far, my inbox gets a little full, but that's what naptimes are for!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Money saving tips

As a single income family we are always trying to save where we can. Coupons and sales are a way of life, but for items that are hard to find on sale I turn to Internet deal sites. Often times they have designer baby clothes, expensive gear, and other items 50-80% off retail. Shipping is usually reasonable, and it's nice to not have to run extra errands around town burning gas and cash. One of the newest sites I've found is motherofasale.com. They just had some cloth diapers on sale-what a deal!